From super cute couples costumes to singles that are just as badass on their own and steal every scene they are in; we cannot wait to see what Game of Thrones themed costumes crop up for Halloween this year! We are betting we'll see at least a few of these 20 costume ideas from the hit HBO show. One thing is for sure, you'll need to start planning NOW!
Once again... Spoiler Alert: Seriously go watch the show before you go any further! Oh and a tip of our hat to Entertainment Weekly for this sizzling photo from their Jon and Daeny shoot!
Spoiler Alert: Seriously go watch the show before you go any further!
We are kicking things off with the fire and ice romance that is the series newest couple, Daenerys and Jon Snow!
Photo Credit: Entertainment Weekly
Jon Snow + Daenerys Targaryen
Jon and Dany are our pick for this years hottest couple costume! We are taking bets now as to how many different variations we will see this Halloween.This couples cosplay was found here. Photo Credit Jul-ya
Remember the fun we had with Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth? Adding their prisoner Jamie Lannister into the mix just made all three of them that much more fun to watch! Man those were good times.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBO
Catelyn Stark + Brienne of Tarth + Jamie Lannister
this throuples cosplay is bring back fond and a little less bloody memories of seasons passed.Found here. Photo Credit: Edward Tan
Oh Varys, you smug little know it all. How we have missed the dry witted conversational barbs flung back and forth between you and Tyrion.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOHow spot on is this cosplayers GoT outfit? Seriously he even has the "You are doing it wrong" smug little half smile down pat!
Found here. Photo Credit: Starbit Cosplay
For as conniving and self assured as the Lannister's are they do seem to be going the way of the Baratheon's. Season 5 and 6 saw numerous characters sporting the Lannister surname bite the big one. Who will be left standing? Only Season 8 will tell
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOOoooooh how awesome to see all four of these lion hearted characters represented so perfectly.
Found here. Photo Credit: Dressing Up As Other People
Okay, Renly Baratheon has been out of the Game for the Throne (get it?) for a while now. But he was such a sweet character how could you not want to bring him back from the dead at least for one night?
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBODepicting Renly's untimely and heart wrenching death (nod to all other Renly fans out there) this cosplayer's costume is genius in our books.
Found here. Photo Credit: Sietecho
Oh Arya, sweet sweet Arya. How the seasons have changed you. Remember the days when all she wanted to do was become a knight? Now you and your Many Faced God has us side eyeing you and your cult like motivations.
a spot on depiction of that little ragamuffin version of Arya attempting to pass as a tough little boy. Wish we could get a little bit of that same feisty fire back.
Found here. Photo Credit: DashyProps
You know those Direwolves all the Stark children were given? Who else thought maybe, just maybe they would have lasted longer then they did? We are pretty proud that Jon held on to Ghost for so long. Well done buddy, what a responsible pet parent!
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOOkay we know this is inaccurate, Jon was not a baby when he got Ghost, but how cute is this costume!?!? We are in love with everything about this adorable mini version of the King of the North and his snow white best friend.
Found here. Photo Credit: FuckU_Rozz
Yara Greyjoy, how much of a freaking badass is this woman? Not only does she represent a strong female character in a show teaming with strong female characters she is also an out and proud, no questions asked, this is how I am, lesbian! Love you Yara.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOKilling it with those boots and that duster jacket. If you are looking to feel empowered this Halloween, you might look into stepping into this sea captains shoes for the night.
Found here. Photo Credit: Incosplay
If you are a fan of the "no shit taken" granny humor found in Downton Abbey or Golden Girls then it is not hard for us to guess who your favorite character is on Game of Thrones. Lady Tyrell has some stinging one liners and we loved it every time we saw her on screen. She was even a feisty old biddy right up to the end, with the way she revealed her hand in murdering that nasty piece of work Joffery. You will be missed Olenna, but never, ever forgotton.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOYou are NEVER too old to dress up for Halloween, and this cosplayer at Dragoncon slayed us with her killer GoT outfit!
Found here. Photo Credit: Foundry 412
What 10 year old can say she commands and has the full respect of an army? Lyanna Mormont had us all giddy when she came onto the scene in season 6 with her straight talk that told every person in the room that she "ain't gunna take none o' your shit!" Season 7 Lyanna did not disappoint and was in fact a strong example for even the Stark women, as Arya compared her to Sansa in a biting little bit of dialog. Daaaaaaaamn!
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOGoT costumes aren't just for adults, there are some kickass characters for all ages to portray. We seriously wish we could go back and be this badass little preteen for halloween.
Found here. Photo Credit Brinton Parker
No he doesn't make a season 7 appearance but we sure do miss Oberyn Martell. Your cocky ways and dashing good looks that set us back on heels have been sorely missed in these later seasons.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOcomplete with his battle scythe, this Oberyn cosplayer is ready for his fateful battle with Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane.
Found here. Photo Credit: Ian Stubber
Looking for brains over brawn? Samwell Tarly and Gilly might just be the cutest most awkwardly geeky couple this side of the Great Wall. Gilly may have started out as illiterate but this season she gave Sam a run for his know-it-all title as she revealed a huge truth about our boy Jon Snow... or should we call him Aegon?... nope no, he will always be Jon to us.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOGet the whole family involved in your household obsession with Game of Thrones this Halloween. Sam, Gilly and baby Sam is the perfect outfit for that new family of yours.
Found here.
Who else has a near physical reaction to seeing this face again? Joffery was a horrible character but his terrifying antics truly brought us all together in our pure disgust with all he did and said.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOWant a truly scary costume for this Halloween? Bring Joffery back from the dead and watch as all other GoT-ers go berserk.
Found here. Photo Credit: Florian Fromentin Photographe
There are no great screen captures of these two doomed lovers, but man did they steam up the screen for two fantastic seasons. We were so sad to see this love die with sweet Renly.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOA King and his Knight, what could be sexier than that when planning out your Halloween couples costumes this year?
Found here. Photo Credit: Cielo+Cosplay Photography
Last season we finally got a back story on why Hodor "hodors", just in time for us to no longer get another Hodor-ing moment again. This lovable, language limited giant was a bright spot in the paralyzed Bran Stark story arc. Yes Hodor, you keep holding that door.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOFrustrated with costumes not fitting right and just want an excuse to use as few words as possible at this years Halloween party? Hodor could be the perfect costume for you. Plus with your puppet Bran Stark backpack you can keep all your belonging safe because you know that Hodor muumuu definitely doesn't come with pockets.
Found here. Photo Credit: SlannMage
We barely saw you in season 7 Sam, but what we did see was so good. From that awful chamber pot and book shelving montage to helping out Jorah Mormont with his little grayscale problem you kept us smiling... well until you talked over your girlfriends huge series game changer moment... but we'll forgive you for that if you don't let it happen again.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOIn his night watch gear this Sam look will have you feeling cozy and iconic this Oct 31st!
Found here. Photo Credit Huckleberry Light Industry
Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, how you have been able to craftily worm your way out of every sticky situation you seem to set up and then watch burn is beyond us. You are like the skeevie uncle that gives us the heebie-jeebies every time we see you talking to a younger woman. But your charming smiling and ever knowing head tilts have also won you a spot in our hearts. You will be missed but man, did we love watching you go... (see SEE how skeevie that sounds!)
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOThis Littlefinger look-a-like actually plays Lord Baelish on the parody YouTube show School of Thrones and we have to say his costume is spot on!
Found here.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBO
Agreed this is a tough one to emulate but with a little know how some Darth Maul head horns and a whole lot of blue and white face paint we believe in your ability to creep everyone out this Halloween with your icy stares and silent brooding.
Found here. Photo Credit: Moleculo
Another fantastic GoT throuple is Daeny, Missandei and Grey Worm. Daeny gets to bring out her gossip girl side with Missandei and Missandei gets to dish to Daeny just what is going on between her and that stoic unsullied soldier that has captured out hearts. We would like to request plenty more of these three in season 8.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOWalk into the room dressed like these three and you are bound to have the attention of everyone present. A power throuple if we ever saw one.
Found here. Photo Credit: Ladylorethia
And last but certainly not the least in any way. The Hound and Arya had us rolling with how each made the others teeth grind. Their clashing views on how the world should work and unlikely friendship keep us hoping they get to renew that team up again in season 8.
Photo Credit: Game of Thrones, HBOthe perfect father daughter team up costume! You both get to be badasses wielding swords and you will be instantly recognizable!
Found here.