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Smile Brilliant

Smile Brilliant

Smile Brilliant

Wedding Chicks Member: Smile Brilliant Serving: Ships Anywhere See more: Portfolio Get Social: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Google+ A few words from Smile Brilliant:

With the big day approaching you’re likely thinking about whitening your teeth so you leave a lasting impression in your wedding photos. Before you book an appointment with your dentist and spend $400+ on professional teeth whitening or before you buy the less than satisfactory whitening strips that leave portions of your teeth with noticeable stains take 2 minutes out of your day to watch Smile Brilliants video!

Smile Brilliant’s lab direct process has made professional teeth both affordable and more accessible by eliminating the need to visit the dentist. There is now no need to take time out of your busy day of work and planning your wedding! Be sure to check out their testimonials here and if you’re ready to get started you can order your custom fitted teeth whitening trays and gel here. Photo by Made By Girl


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Teeth Whitening Gel

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