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Five Really Easy Ways to be a Happier and Nicer Person

art wedding photography

“It is a painful thing to look at your own trouble and know that you yourself and no one else has made it.” Sophocles 

Take Responsibility

Take responsibility for you, your actions and your happiness. Your happiness depends on you and no one else. You are the one in charge of you. Relying on others to do things to make you happy will not end well. Of course, you can be hurt and disappointed by others but you are still in charge.

Here are some easy ways to understand responsibility:

We are responsible for almost all of what "happens" to us.
The outcome of a situation is the direct result of our own decision or action.
Do not place blame on others.
Forgive yourself and move on.
Take action to move forward in your life.
You're the only one here meant to live your life and what you do with it is up to you.

Mysteriously beautiful image above by Art Wedding Photography 
* Please note we are not implying that this beautiful woman is not responsible. We just love her face.

Low Country Valet

"Let that car merge and get into your lane.Ohh, that's tough for a lot of people! Come on, it's really not that hard and will not adversely affect your life in any way, shape or form."


Be nice, it's so simple. Not only will it improve your mood, it may keep you from getting an elevated heart rate over something so silly. It's amazing to see people lose it over waiting in line, getting a wrong dish at lunch, or someone who needs to merge on the freeway. Good grief - have these people never faced a real problem? Who the heck knows. I suppose it's all projected emotion from other parts of life, but that's no excuse and definitely not healthy. Why are you giving me the bird? Is it because I need to change lanes? Oh, it's because you had a stressful day at work? Of course, makes perfect sense being mean to a stranger because you are mad about something else. No, it doesn't. Get a therapist.

Here are some easy ways to be nice:

Smile at people, that's nice.
Hold a door, easy peasy.
Let that car merge and get into your lane. Ohh, that's tough for a lot of people! Come on, it's really not that hard. 
Hug your friends. That's so nice and feels good too.
Also, just don't be mean.
Be nice to anyone serving you in any way. You think you're better than them? You're not.

Image above from Low Country Valet

Matthew Morgan Photography

"Experiences make up life and are what we're left with at the end of the day, month, year and forEver. Experiences and memories get us through life AND ARE what we look back to remember"


Go outside and play. Experiences give us positive memories and are fun! Get together with friends and learn something new. What do we do at the end of it all? We have memories of our experiences and share them. They help us build closer relationships and relate to people on different levels. 

Here are some easy things to do:

Go ride a bike.
Take a swim.
Go for a hike.
Visit a museum.
Go bowling.
Play bad tennis.
Invite friends over  for a board game.
Paint a picture. 
Learn to ski.
Read a classic.
Make soup.
Go for a drive. 

Watch the sunset.

Image above by Matthew Morgan

Alexandra Elise Photography



I think this might be the key to life. Communication. It's the simplest yet toughest thing to do. Communicating takes the guesswork out of life. How often are you expecting someone to guess how you're feeling? Oh please, you know you do this! We all do. Communicate your feelings, express your joy and disappointment and be open with your expectations. 

Here are some easy ways TO communicating effectively:

Say how you feel.
Say what you want.
Push the air out of your mouth to make words come out.
Just say what's on your mind.
Explain the emotions you are feeling.
Fill in the blank: "I feel ____."
Fill in the blank: "I want ____."
Fill in the blank: "I don't want ____."
Take the feelings you have on the inside and put them outside.
Write your feelings down or text them if you aren't able to push the words out yet.

See more of this inspiration here. Image above by Alexandra Elise Photography.

Concept Photography

"Love, after all, is the meaning of life in my humble opinion.it really is everything"


Love, after all, is the meaning of life.  What is the point of living if not to love? If you know, please share your secrets. Allow yourself to give and receive love. It's harder than you may think, so start with loving yourself first. 

Here are some easy ways to start loving:

Love yourself as you are.
Love others as they are.
Remember that you deserve love.
Remember that you deserve love again.
Remember that you deserve love one more time.
Be open to love, it's scary but you can do it!
Love people for their differences. Same is so boring.
Show love. 
Share love.
Tell the people you love that you love them.
Don't put conditions on love, that's yucky.

See more of this wedding here. Image above by Concept Photography.

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