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Disney Wedding Moments to Love Since We’ve Been Missing the Magic

Disney Weddings That Are Still Making Us Smile Photo Credit:

I have to say, when Disney - one of the happiest places on Earth - made the big decision to close its parks, things became super real to me. Sounds crazy, right? But really, when you think about it, Disney is a dreamland. It’s a place where you can go, temporarily, to push all the bad things out of sight and out of mind. To be a kid again. To believe in magic. To imagine. So, when the whimsy and the fairy tale are taken away, in a poof quicker than an enchanted stroke of Fairy Godmother’s wand, it’s a sad day. Ugh.

Fast forward to today, May 27th (wow, this year): we’re getting news of Disney’s proposed reopening, and I can’t help but feel like maybe the clouds are starting to lift. Yes, it’s going to be different, and yes, there will be a whole new protocol in place for health and safety (their ‘social distance squad’ sounds pretty on-brand for Disney, though, encouraging, animated cast members trying to keep crowds healthy and hyped-up 👍), but it’s a hopeful step. And one that we’re happy about!

To celebrate the prospect of Walt Disney World opening its doors and getting its groove back in making dreams come true for ALL the brides and grooms, we’re rounding up some of the best wedding moments we’ve witnessed on the Gram. Because, truly, Disney brides are the most devoted to that #fairytalelove (brides in ball gowns, we love you. but there's truly only one princess bride).

We don’t have a clue about what’s to come with weddings in the House of Mouse, but our fingers are crossed that Disney I Dos will still have all that ✨ once they start happening again.

This post is not sponsored, BTW. We just happen to love all things Disney and all things weddings...

And we can’t wait to see the two come together real soon!!

A brand new king and queen 

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Married on Main Street U.S.A.

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Magic Kingdom, Meet Magic Queendom 👑

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Off to the best ball of her life 

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Setting sail for forever - photo by @jcollinsphotos

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Nowhere to go but up! - Photo by @jennawhiterabbit

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A whole new world with you - photo by @jennawhiterabbit 

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Happily ever after starts here... Photo by @ashlyncathey.photo

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And something to look forward to... Photo by @whiterabbitsteve

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