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Earth Elements | Water Themed Bridal Session

Earthy romantic bride

For this year's Erich McVey Workshop in Bend, Oregon, Ginny Au pulled inspiration from the four elements. Designing four stunning wedding looks all based on the the powerful beauty of nature. Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. Each element evokes emotions and a gorgeous raw esthetic representative of the natural world around us. We are starting out this four part series with water. Water is known for an understanding, trusting nature, devotion, mercy, forgiveness, modesty, and compassion. If this describes you to a tee then a water themed bridal session may be in order.
Be sure to see more this stunning  shoot and gorgeous photos captured by Erich McVey in the full gallery here. And stay tuned for Earth, Wind, and Fire, soon to come.

natural wedding makeup

Oregon Wedding Venue

Rue de Seine wedding gown

About The Workshop

Learn more about what Erich’s workshops are all about, and sign up to be the first to hear about his upcoming workshops when they are announced. With so much information, growth, collaboration, and beauty, his workshops are worth every penny – don’t miss out!

boho chic bridal session

diy baby's breath halo

DIY  Dainty Halo Baby's Breath Headpieces

1. needle and thin elastic string
2. baby's breath Technique-
1. Thread the needle with the thin elastic string.
2. Tie a knot close to the end of the sting.
3. Poke the needle through the thickest part of the flower bud and push it down until your knot stops it. Repeat with 3-4 buds then tie a second knot to keep them in place.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have filled up the length of your halo.
5. Tie two ends together and wrap around your hair for a natural and dainty floral halo.

bridal session

Smith Rock in Bend, Oregon

peach wedding ideas

organic and colorful wedding bouquet

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